[MacTUG] Software Update - MacOS Big Sur & Safari 14.0.1

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 13 08:55:42 EST 2020

This morning one of my Mac notified me that there was an update and asked if I wanted to install it now or later.

When I went to check the update, I see that Apple is offering to upgrade to macOS Big Sur, see screen capture.

[cid:9806423F-2E52-40C1-8927-DD99E8BD3B0B at hitronhub.home]

The update that I think it was asking me about is the another update, Safari 14.0.1

[cid:B6164131-E222-42AB-B3A1-75265E450FB3 at hitronhub.home]
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