[MacTUG] FYI: Microsoft 365 and Office 2019 support for Apple Silicon - Office Support

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Dec 22 13:50:31 EST 2020

Came across this Microsoft article. I am not sure when the Dec 2020 release will be released. I currently am at 16.43 and the updater says there are no updates.

- Glenn


Microsoft 365 and Office 2019 support for Apple Silicon

This article was last updated on December 15 at 9:00 AM Pacific Time.

On November 10, 2020, Apple announced the availability of new Mac devices based on a custom architecture known as Apple Silicon. This article outlines the support of Microsoft 365 and Office 2019 on Apple Silicon devices.

The December 2020 release (build 16.44) provides native support for both Apple Silicon and Intel-based Macs. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote are supplied as a Universal macOS binary, where the Mac operating system will dynamically load the most optimal app components for your device. This release of Office includes the latest optimizations for macOS Big Sur, which is the first operating system to support Apple Silicon.

Common questions

Do I need to download and install a separate package if I'm using a Mac with an M1 processor?

No. The Office installation and update packages contain the optimized code for both Apple Silicon and Intel-based devices. This is true regardless of whether you obtain Office from the Mac App Store, or office.com<http://office.com> - which uses the Microsoft Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Is there any reason to run Office under Rosetta 2 translation?

For the best experience, we recommend that you let the operating system decide how it should load the Office apps. There are a small number of scenarios where you may need to tell macOS to prefer using Rosetta 2:

  *   You use Excel's Get and Transform functionality (also known as Power Query)

  *   Your app workflows rely on a third-party plug-in that has not been updated to include native support for Apple Silicon

For instructions on how to use Office apps with Rosetta 2, see Use Office for Mac with Rosetta and Apple silicon</en-us/office/use-office-for-mac-with-rosetta-and-apple-silicon-18db14f2-4abc-4d93-96a4-72a01f6e9721>. In the case of a third-party plug-in, contact your vendor to see if they have an update available.
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