[MacTUG] Thank you for coming to WatITis 2020

Watitis Committee watitis at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 14 15:43:30 EST 2020

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the WatITis committee, I would like to thank you for making the conference a successful event. We hope you enjoyed your time and learned something new.

A big thank you goes to Bruce Campbell for sponsoring our 18th WatITis conference.

In order to evaluate how we did and to improve for next year, we would love to hear your thoughts on the conference. The feedback survey<https://uwaterloo.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ZC2YRr4qMkn7V3> can be found on our website<https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>.

Also, If you are interested in volunteering on the committee for WatITis 2021, let us know in the survey or via email to watitis at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:watitis at uwaterloo.ca>

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