[MacTUG] Call for proposals - WatITis submission deadline is extended!

Dana Mohapl d2mohaplova at uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 28 10:13:25 EDT 2019

WatITis submission deadline is extended!

The WatITis committee is extending the deadline for an additional 4 weeks (Thursday June 20th).  Consider how you can contribute to this year's conference as a speaker, panel participant or poster presenter.  Submit a brief synopsis of your topic or idea to our program committee at watitis2019 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:watitis2019 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca>

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Call for Papers: WatITis Conference 2019
"An IT conference made for you, by you!"

We are happy to announce the 17th annual WatITis (Waterloo Information Technology and Information Systems) conference will be held on Wednesday December 4th, 2019 in the Science Teaching Centre (STC).

We invite you to actively participate as a speaker, panel participant or poster presenter. This conference is made for you, by you!


Topics include but are not limited to:

  *   Teaching
  *   Research
  *   Institutional Support
  *   New Projects or Initiatives
  *   Developments
  *   Collaboration, Soft Skills and Teamwork
  *   General interest for uWaterloo staff, in the area of IT

20 or 45 Minute Talks Welcome!

Both 20 and 45 minute presentations will be accepted and we invite you to submit proposals in either format.

Submission Deadline

Please, submit a brief synopsis of your topic or idea for presentations, panels or posters to our program committee watitis2019 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:watitis2019 at sharepoint.nexus.uwaterloo.ca> by June 20th , 2019.

Proposal submissions are not to exceed 500 words and must include the session format (20 or 45 minutes), along with an indication of technical difficulty (100 - not technical, 200 - 'medium' technical, 300 - 'highly' technical).  You may be asked to attend a brief speakers meeting prior to the conference to discuss presentation materials, expectations and logistics.

Who to Contact

For more information, please contact our co-chairs Dana Mohapl (d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:d2mohapl at uwaterloo.ca>) or Mike Nowakowski (mike.nowakowski at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:mike.nowakowski at uwaterloo.ca>), or please visit: https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis<https://uwaterloo.ca/watitis/>

Thank you and looking forward to your participation!

We apologize if you receive this message more than once. This message is being sent through your departmental mailing list. If you would like to continue to receive our mailings, please verify you are on our mailing list.

Dana Mohapl
Information Systems Specialist
Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo
(519)888-4567, x40086

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