[MacTUG] How to Enable Full Mitigation for MDS / Zombieload on Mac

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 28 16:52:52 EDT 2019

How to Enable Full Mitigation Against Zombieload / MDS on Intel Macs

Remember, to enable full fitigation for MDS / Zombieload on a Mac you 
must disable CPU hyper-threading, resulting in a serious performance 
hit. The vast majority of Mac users should not bother with this.

Note the Mac must be running MacOS Mojave, macSO Sierra, MacOS High 
Sierra, or newer.

     First, install MacOS Mojave 10.14.5, or Security Update 2019 for 
High Sierra, or Security Update 2019 for Sierra (or later) on the Mac
     Go to the  Apple menu and choose “Restart” to restart the Mac
     Immediately hold down Command+R upon restart to boot the Mac into 
Recovery Mode
     When you get to the Utilities screen, pull down the “Utilities” 
menu in the menubar and choose “Terminal”
     Type the following command, then hit return

     nvram boot-args="cwae=2"
     Next type the following command, and again hit return:

     nvram SMTDisable=%01
     Go to the  Apple menu and choose “Restart” to restart the Mac

These directions for full mitigation come directly from Apple.

How to Revert Full MDS Mitigation and Enable Hyper-Threading on Mac
What is MDS / Zombieload anyway?


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