[MacTUG] Apple Device Enrolment Program with devices purchased from different vendors

Devon Merner dmerner at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 9 13:23:52 EST 2019

Has anyone experienced dealing with DEP in regards to Macs purchased through a vendor instead of directly from Apple?

Most of our Mac fleet was purchased via vendors like Telecom Computers or Campus Tech and aren't able to be assigned to an MDM server via DEP (I get a NOT_ACCESSIBLE error).

Some people online say that they might be addable to DEP with the right information from Apple but I'm not entirely sure.  These machines date back to 2012 but no earlier if that matters.

If we aren't able to add our machines via DEP then that will really mess up our deployment since DEP is required to automatically trust the MDM profile (which is required in order to install configuration profiles that install drivers/kexts on the Mac) which we can't automate at all outside of DEP.


Devon Merner

Information Technology Specialist – Teaching and Operations

CSCF – David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science

519-888-4567 x37797 – DC 2560A

University of Waterloo
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