[MacTUG] IST announces 2018 Annual Report

Carol Lu c52lu at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 8 08:55:24 EST 2019

The following will be published in today’s Daily Bulletin…

The IST Annual Report -- Celebrating our 2018 achievements

A message from Bruce Campbell, Chief Information Officer, Information Systems & Technology

I’m pleased to share IST’s 2018 Annual Report, which highlights a number of achievements from the past year and their impact across campus. Our work is varied, from behind the scenes initiatives like the campus network upgrade that lay the foundation for all things ‘IT’, to engaging the community directly through our student IT Advisory Board, bringing student input and creativity to IT services and systems. Other initiatives illustrate the importance of campus partnerships, such as our work with Human Resources on Workday, and with Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) to choose PebblePad, a new ePortfolio system.

I hope you enjoy the report. Thank you for your partnership, and for helping us deliver state of the art, people-centric IT services and solutions in support of the University mission. Visit the IST Annual Report site at https://uwaterloo.ca/ist-annual-report.

Recipients of this message: ist-staff, isthd, faccus, admin-support, ucist, ctsc, mactug

Carol Lu
Computing Consultant, Digital Communications
Information Systems & Technology
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 40280

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