[MacTUG] USB-C Thunderbolt Vulnerability Revealed - The Mac Observer

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 28 10:16:11 EST 2019

USB-C Ports, through which the Thunderbolt interface connects with a 
computer, “offer very privileged, low-level, direct memory access 
(DMA),” the researchers explained. This means that peripherals connected 
by Thunderbolt have much more privilege than a standard USB device. The 
researchers found the operating systems, had “very weak” defences 
against “malicious DNA-enabled peripheral devices.” The Thunderbolt 
device could access all network traffic, as well on occasion being able 
to access keystrokes and framebuffer data.

MacOS has Input-Output Memory Management Unit Out the Box

The best defence against attacks via this method is an Input-Output 
Memory Management Unit (IOMMU). In theory, this component will only give 
devices access to the the memory they need to complete their task. The 
problem was the operating systems investigated did not “use the IOMMU 

The researchers called the vulnerability Thunderclap. ...


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