[MacTUG] Screen unlocking bug in Mojave

Jim Johnston jjohnston at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 1 14:31:33 EDT 2019

Just wondering if anyone has run into this yet:

  *   I have a new MacBook Pro running 10.14.4 (bug first noticed under 10.14.3)
  *   A Targus USB3c + 2 x DisplayPort dock (using most recent DiplayLink drivers)
  *   2 Dell monitors connected over DisplayPort
  *   When I wake up the laptop all 3 screens wake-up (after 1-10 seconds) and the password prompt shows up on one screen (typically the screen where focus was last asserted before screen lock).
  *   If I explicitly locked the screen or put it to sleep, all 3 screens come up blanked and only the prompt is visible.
  *   If the laptop goes to sleep on its own, **sometimes all 3 screens wake up not blanked and all apps on the two screens that don't have the password challenge are fully accessible.
  *   It doesn't seem to matter on which screen the task bar or password box appears (i.e. I've had the insecure unlock on all three screens at some time).
  *   I've tried various apps left with focus (fullscreen, window and minimized) and haven't found the triggering app yet.

**This is only semi-reproducible: I tried it > 20x while writing this and everything worked fine.  During the entire morning, I got the insecure state at least 10 times in a row, since I was demonstrating it.  It's been happening for more than a week where it switches between (in)secure states for a few hours at a time.  I'm still looking for other contributing factors and triggers.

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