[MacTUG] How to Turn Off the ‘Hold Command-Q to Quit’ Warning in Chrome for macOS

Mike Patterson mpatters at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 6 11:24:49 EST 2018

I always turned that *on* - hit splatQ too many times reaching for the w key to close the tab.


Mike Patterson - pronouns he/him - Manager, Information Security Operations
Information Security Services, University of Waterloo
+1 519-888-4567, x47178 / mike.patterson at uwaterloo.ca
Security Operations Centre x41125 / soc at uwaterloo.ca

> On Nov 6, 2018, at 9:35 AM, Keith Peck <kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Mac users who like the Chrome browser may have recently noticed (late October) that the up to date version of Chrome for macOS now prompts you with an on-screen-message that you must ‘Hold Command-Q to Quit’.
> Apparently the change was made to help avoid shutting down web apps that could rely on processes built into Chrome. I don’t use web apps so I find this change annoying.
> To disable this feature, with Chrome for macOS running…
> 	• Click on “Chrome” on the application menu at the upper-left of your display.
> 	• Click the “Warn Before Quitting” option so that it is no longer checked.
> <image001.png>
> Keith
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