[MacTUG] WCMS production sites reduced capacity test – July 24

Darren Bondy dmbondy at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 19 13:54:09 EDT 2018

What is happening? In preparation for the planned power outage in the Math & Computer (MC) building<https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/news/important-significant-interruption-service-delivery-due>, IST will be testing operational WCMS production sites at a reduced capacity.

When is this happening? Tuesday, July 24, 2018.

What is the impact? Sites on uwaterloo.ca (production sites) will be served from a single set of servers (i.e. running at half capacity). During this test:

  *   Production sites will be operating without redundancy
  *   There may be “glitches” where certain features do not function as expected or at all
  *   Depending on the load, sites may be slower to respond
  *   Launching sites or copying sites back from production will not be available on this day
  *   Database replication will be paused, so there may be a period of slowness the following day when replication is re-enabled

Note: We do not anticipate any outages during this test.

Questions or concerns? Please submit to rt-ist-wcms at rt.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:rt-ist-wcms at rt.uwaterloo.ca> or the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca>, ext. 44357.

Recipients of this message:  uwweb, isthd, faccus, ist-staff, admin-support, ctsc, ucist, mactug, SSO, FEDS, UR, Bulletin

Darren Bondy
Information Systems and Technology
(519)888-4567 x49525
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON

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