[MacTUG] OSX/MaMi Malware Hijacks DNS, Takes Screenshots, More - The Mac Observer

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 17 09:38:17 EST 2018

This is unlikely in our environment but better safe than sorry.


It’s easy to tell if you’ve been hit with OSX/MaMi by checking the DNS 
entries on your Mac. You can do that by going to Apple menu > System 
Preferences, Then do this:

     Select Network
     Click Advanced
     Choose the DNS tab
     Look for and

If you see either of those IP addresses your Mac has been hit with 
OSX/MaMi. It’s unclear right how which files need to be removed from 
your Mac to remove the threat. Changing the DNS entries to something 
else, like Google’s, seems to fix the problem for now.

As always, you can minimize the risk of installing the malware by 
avoiding websites you don’t trust, not clicking on pop-ups or other 
alerts on webpages, and not clicking links in email messages from people 
you don’t know.


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