[MacTUG] Downloading macOS Sierra from the Mac App Store | Der Flounder

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 13 09:17:36 EST 2017

Now that macOS High Sierra has been released, it’s become more difficult 
to access the macOS Sierra installer in the Mac App Store (MAS) for 
those who still need it.

Previous versions of OS X and Mac OS X which were purchased by an Apple 
ID will appear in the MAS’s Purchased list for that Apple ID, but macOS 
Sierra is an exception because it did not need to be purchased using an 
Apple ID.

Fortunately, Sierra has not been removed from the MAS and it is still 
available for download. Apple has a KBase article, available via the 
link below, which shows how to access the macOS Sierra page in the Mac 
App Store:


To access the macOS Sierra page directly, please click on the link below:


That link should open the MAS and take you to the macOS Sierra download 


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