[MacTUG] Kernel extensions and macOS High Sierra | Der Flounder

m3griffi m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Aug 24 10:05:27 EDT 2017

macOS High Sierra introduces a new feature that requires user approval 
before loading new third-party kernel extensions. This feature will 
require changes to some apps and installers in order to preserve the 
desired user experience.


Apple is advertising these changes now so that Mac admins can have at 
least some chance to prepare their environments before macOS High Sierra 
is released in the fall. For those shops which are already using a 
mobile device management solution with their Macs, the new kernel 
extension behavior should be a non-event on High Sierra’s release day. 
High Sierra should detect that the Mac is enrolled in MDM and revert to 
macOS Sierra’s behavior of automatically allowing properly signed kernel 
extensions to load.

For those shops which aren’t currently using a mobile device management 
solution with their Macs, they currently appear to have the following 
choices for macOS High Sierra:

     Allow their user population to handle the new kernel extension 
authorization process
     Use the new macOS Recovery-based process of using the spctl tool in 
the Recovery environment to disable the new kernel extension behavior
     Get a mobile device management solution and enroll their Macs 
running macOS High Sierra.


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