[MacTUG] Apple Remote Desktop, security of sending unix commands

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 11 16:09:03 EDT 2016

Oh sorry about that, I was sending the response to another email and CCed the list.

On 10/11/2016 04:06 PM, Marlon Griffith wrote:
> As long as you're not using <= 10.4.10 still. :-)
> Honestly, *for service accounts*, storing passwords in plaintext in your script would be ok too (although better would be to store the password in a separate file, then you can check your script into source control somewhere). We routinely do this, although the systems upon which credentials get stored are restricted-access - the only people who have access can reset those passwords anyway, so YMMV. But if it would ease your administration, storing service account passwords is fine.
> And yeah, if server and clients are on the same subnet, you're already protected to a certain extent, provided you can trust the clients themselves.
> Mike

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