[MacTUG] FYI: Google Maps not opening in Safari 7.0.6 ( OS 10.9.5 )

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue May 10 08:54:16 EDT 2016

Just an FYI.

I received a couple of calls last night regarding Google Maps not working. It turns out to be a problem with Google Maps that is specific to Safari 7.0.6 which is part of OS 10.9.5 and seems to have started around May 8th.

What happens is that when one goes to Google Maps, the map starts to load, but then immediately closes and an error message window comes up asking if one wants to forward the error to Apple, and then afterwards Google maps refuse to open.

The easy work around solution is to use another browser or a Mac with a more up to date OS ( 10.10.x or 10.11.x )

Here is a google forum discussion relating to this.


Glenn Anderson
anderson at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:anderson at uwaterloo.ca>
519-888-4567 x43327
EC2 - 2019

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