[MacTUG] WCMS feature request freeze & backlog cleanup

Natasha Jennings njennings at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 28 10:10:24 EDT 2016

Our development team has been very busy working on requested features/functionality<https://uwaterloo.ca/web-resources/wcms-users/features-functionality/requested> and the new responsive templates<https://uwaterloo.ca/web-resources/wcms-users/wcms-responsive-design/>. However, our current backlog of requests and scheduled projects exceeds our capacity, and some difficult decisions in how we will handle this backlog and move forward with new requests had to be made.

What is happening? All feature requests/tickets in the WCMS development queue will be reviewed. Those that are older than one year, do not align with the remaining 2016 development priorities, or are not considered "business critical" will be resolved.

Moving forward, we ask that all new feature requests be held until otherwise notified.

When is this happening? We'll begin reviewing existing tickets on Thursday, July 28.

Other development options: If there are features that you would like to develop, external developers (non-WCMS staff) can work on projects that may be integrated with the central build or deployed to specific sites. You might consider funding a contract position or hiring a co-op student, for example. Please contact Andrew McAlorum, amcalorum at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:amcalorum at uwaterloo.ca>, to discuss.

Report bugs/system issues: Bug reports should continue to be filed as normal (i.e. submitted via RT to ist-wcms-dev at rt.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:ist-wcms-dev at rt.uwaterloo.ca>).

Business critical requests: Business critical requests will be escalated and evaluated against current WCMS priorities and capacity and can be submitted by completing the Business Critical WCMS feature request form<https://uwaterloo.ca/web-resources/business-critical-wcms-feature-request-form> (authentication required).

Development priorities:

*         Performance optimization for WCMS sites

*         Completing work for responsive sites (including generic template), Publications, Conferences, and Single Page sites

*         Integration of Shopify and e-commerce

*         Developing the responsive Faculty and Researcher sites using OpenScholar

*         Implementing Brand Refinement project design changes


*         Migration of WCMS sites to Drupal 8

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Recipients of this message: uwweb, isthd, faccus, ist-staff, admin-support, ctsc, ucist, mactug, MSC, Bulletin

Natasha Jennings
Communications Officer
Information Systems & Technology (IST)
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 47951

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