[MacTUG] Disabling the "notification center"

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 23 11:25:34 EDT 2016


I have previously disabled Notification Center (primarily so lab users will not be bugged about upgrades they cannot apply) by merely renaming the NotificationCenter.app in /System/Library/Core Services

In Yosemite this required dealing with SIP but it was doable. In El Capitan I tried it but it seriously messed up my deploystudio installs , when it was rebooting it would frequently hang and the logs would complain about Notification Center being MIA. When I stopped renaming Notification Center the problem went away.

At any rate I am looking for other ways to either kill the notification center, or enabling Do No Disturb. I found this on the JAMF forums https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=13619 and ran manually it seems to work:


# Gather the necessary variables
CURRENT_USER=$(/usr/bin/stat -f%Su /dev/console)
HARDWARE_UUID=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Hardware UUID: /{print $3}')
CURRENT_DATE=$(date -u +%FT%TZ)

# Modify the ByHost plist files
defaults -currentHost write "/Users/$CURRENT_USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui" doNotDisturb -bool true
defaults -currentHost write "/Users/$CURRENT_USER/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.notificationcenterui" doNotDisturbDate -date "$CURRENT_DATE"

# Kill Notification Center for settings to take effect (it will automatically relaunch)
killall NotificationCenter

exit 0

I was considering making it a launch agent, but I thought I would see what other folks are doing with our friend the Notification Center in a lab situation.


Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
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