[MacTUG] 10.10.4 Migration Assistant

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 3 17:50:07 EDT 2015

Details for the release were vague.
It seems to be ok with /usr/local on the source now but it behaved rather inconsistently.
I used it twice from 10.9.1 to 10.10.4: 1st without a /usr/local; 2nd with.
The 1st time I had to go under Data & Documents to select the user account; 2nd time they were on the main list.
The 1st time it prompted me to create an admin account after the transfer; 2nd time, it didn't.
Both migrated accounts were standard and there was an existing admin account at the start.

You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
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