[MacTUG] Fileu (N-drive) userid mapping issue

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jan 16 16:42:50 EST 2015

Can't really test since fileu takes my credentials but I don't have a folder there.

Tricky bits for the scripting

1) the $ usually indicates a shell variable so you need to escape it

open smb://fileu.uwaterloo.ca/users\$/daroloso

 2) if you want the current logged in user dynamically,
     checking the owner of /dev/console seems to be one way

open smb://fileu.uwaterloo.ca/users\$/`/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'`

but this also seems to work

open smb://fileu.uwaterloo.ca/users\$/$USER
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