[MacTUG] Fileu (N-drive) userid mapping issue

Keith Peck kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jan 15 09:51:09 EST 2015

Hi Everyone,
I have a bit of a problem that I’m hoping someone may know a solution, or can offer suggestions to fix.

I am using Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and connecting to the following path on the server:


No problems so far, I get connected when I provide my credentials.

BUT, I then add the volume into my “Login Items” so it will connect when I log in.

Following a log out then logging back in the drive mounts to the wrong folder. It mounts at the “users$” folder.

This is likely due to the fact that the entry in my Login Items has changed to no longer list “kdpeck” but the folder below it: “users$”

Ejecting the drive and then re-connecting to the server using the original path fixes the problem, but until I do that I run into problems that the paths to “Open Recent” files that are on the network drive in most applications fail.

Someone I support runs an application that they use to synchronize a local folder with their network drive on an hourly schedule. They are running OS X 10.9 but similar to me they also have to manually connect to the server following a login.

Before the holiday break (when fileu was upgraded) the Login Items mapping worked automatically without a problem.

In their case I updated the drive mapping from using “SMB” to “CIFS” but that did not fix it.

I’ve done a clean up of the drive and credentials from my keychain then a reboot and added the mappings back but I still end up with the same problem.

Keith Peck
Client Services, Information Systems and Technology
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1.
EC2 2020, (519) 888-4567 x.47770
kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:kdpeck at uwaterloo.ca>
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