[MacTUG] "Updating Managed Settings" dialog box on login. ARRRRGH

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 6 13:51:07 EST 2014

I have noticed this for a while but thought it was related to rebuilding my profile server mid-term. However this issue is happening all the time on my brand new profile server with macs that have been freshly added to it.

The issue, with every login a dialog box pops up saying “Updating Managed Settings”

With a little digging it looks like it is being blamed on Mavericks and that it is a classic case of “It is not a bug but a feature.” Apple claims that it is just the client ensuring that a check of the profile is happening before every logon. In the past I did notice that sometimes changes to the profile took a bit of time to migrate out to all clients, and sometimes changes would not be made until a logon/off cycle had completed. This was totally fine for me as my profiles rarely change once I set them up.

The weird thing is that I did not see it until recently and I am wondering if it came with 10.9.5 which seemed to bring a lot of changes to us.

It is discussed here..
And that links to a post at the always helpful Der Flounder (http://derflounder.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/bypassing-the-mavericks-managed-preferences-login-check/) where he pointed out that this check can be killed with this command:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.mdmclient BypassPreLoginCheck -bool YES

The downside to doing this is that it will make checks for updates to the profile much less infrequent, but this does not matter too much in my environment where the changes are infrequent. I did try an “update info” from the Profile Manager web admin page and that did work to push updated profiles out to clients, so I believe I am satisfied with this solution for my needs.

Has anyone else ran into this?

Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
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