[MacTUG] Hmm sounded longer in my head

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 26 11:47:42 EDT 2014

Dani I think that is a good start. I would suggest padding it out a bit
and some stuff should be linked. We should also have links to our meeting
times and for the mailing list. If Marlon was willing we would also add a
link to his most excellent minutes.

The last sentence I stole and modded from the
https://uwaterloo.ca/waterloo-nexus-advisory-group/ site, which I think is
a reasonable site to emulate.


> The Mac Technical Users Group (MacTUG) is a campus-wide information
> sharing group with open membership that has existed for over 20
> years. Historically we focused on the Macintosh computer platform,
> but we now also discuss iOS-related issues.
> We meet usually 9am on the last Tues of the month on the fourth
> floor of Dana Porter Library and use a mailing list to share between
> meetings.
> Members of MacTUG bring to the group issues for discussion and
> resolution, and communicate information back to the academic and
> academic support units they represent.


Speaking of a website for MacTUG, we talked a while ago about getting a
site together (similar I would think to the above site) but I have not
heard any word on it. Is anyone working on it? If so, can we have a
progress report?

I would love for it to be done by someone else, but if this is not
happening, I will volunteer to do so. I have a fairly full  plate these
days so if someone else is doing it or wants to do it, please stop me!!!
;-) . It does need to be done sooner than later as we should have had a
proper public face (eg. waterloo.ca/mac_technical_users_group (with alias

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