[MacTUG] Allowing other admin users to get past screensaver in 10.9

Dani Roloson daroloso at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 5 12:54:19 EST 2014

If it is the screensaver of a standard user, option-return will allow entry of an admin user and password.
If you have admin end users and need to be able to unlock their screensaver with your admin creds,
send this to every 10.9 machine that you set up via ARD UNIX root or DeployStudio script step:

security authorizationdb read system.login.screensaver >/tmp/originalss.$$
sed 's/use-login-window-ui/authenticate-session-owner-or-admin/' /tmp/originalss.$$ >/tmp/newss.$$
security authorizationdb write system.login.screensaver </tmp/newss.$$

The current user must log out for this to take effect.

This will work on some older versions also but in the older versions, you could also modify
/etc/authorization which is gone in 10.9.
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