[MacTUG] Apple hardware repair moving to Retail Services effective May 1

Heather Wey hawey at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 14 14:05:25 EDT 2014

What is happening? Apple hardware repair is moving to Retail Services.

When is this happening? This will be effective starting on May 1, 2014
Why is this happening? Retail Services will be the Apple hardware repair contact for the University of Waterloo, this includes all Apple hardware repairs (including warranty repairs).  IST will no longer be an Apple Authorized Service Provider. <https://www.apple.com/lae/support/programs/aasp/>
What do you need to do? After the effective date above, Apple hardware repairs will be done through Retail Services, see http://www.campustech.uwaterloo.ca/service_support.html for information. IST will continue Apple hardware repairs until May 1, 2014.

Questions/concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca> or ext. 83457.

Recipients of this message: isthd, ist-staff, admin-support, faccus, ctsc, ucist (previously), uwweb, mactug

Heather Wey
IST Communications
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x35878

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