[MacTUG] mid 2012 Macbook Air firmware update

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 18 20:48:54 EDT 2013

As one of my MacBook Air's required this update, I thought it might be useful for me to comment on it.

First of all, my MacBook Air informed me, via the standard Software update that this was necessary.

It then gave me the following message that states this update is required, tells me to backup my drive, etc.

Note: It also tells me that the MacBook Air will shut down after the update. This might be important to remember as users might be use to their computer simply rebooting and coming back up after system updated. When it doesn't come back, they might get concerned that something went wrong.
[cid:3DE56A51-BA6E-4FFE-87C7-6448986787E5 at phub.net.cable.rogers.com]

Once done, I got this message

[cid:12770E68-3A8B-4468-A21D-6193D84B4D84 at phub.net.cable.rogers.com]

In my case, everything went well.


Probably everyone on this list knows this, but just in case… to check to see if one's MacBook needs this, all one needs to do is choose  "About This Mac" from the Apple menu, then click on the More Info button and you get this information dialog window. On this under the MacBook Air you will see that this is a Mid 2012 model, and thus needed it. If it said Mid 2011 or something else you wouldn't.

This might be handy to help users determine if they need it or not when discussing it over the phone or whatever.

[cid:15DBCB62-1C15-478E-AAC1-034A329432AC at phub.net.cable.rogers.com]

On 2013-10-18, at 2:42 PM, Dawn Keenan <dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca>> wrote:

A friend who worked on http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1690 is trying to get the word out to as many people as possible about this firmware update for mid 2012 Macbook Airs. He advises that people with 2012-vintage Air should immediately run Software Update and, if this item shows up, back up your important data from the drive and then install the update as soon as possible.

Yes, there are documented cases of drives not accepting the update. Apple will replace the drive; you're on your own for the data.


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