[MacTUG] How to force the use of SMB1 and other protocols in Mavericks | MacFixIt

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 4 09:09:41 EST 2013

To use this, choose "Connect To Server" in the Finder's "Go" menu (or
press Command-K), and then specify the protocol in the following manner:


In this examples, COMPUTER_ADDRESS is either the IP address, FQDN, or
local Bonjour name for the device, with the protocol specified before
it. When you use "smb" (for Server Message Block) as the protocol, the
system will preferentially use SMB2 and only resort to SMB1 if the
device does not support SMB2; however, you can force the use of SMB1 by
using "cifs" as the protocol instead of "smb," such as the following:


This option may allow you to connect to a server that is experiencing
conflicts with Apple's SMB2 implementation.


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