[MacTUG] Using Profile Manager 3 in Mavericks Server

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Nov 1 14:57:22 EDT 2013

I just updated a clone of my main mac server and the update to Server 10.9, but it was a bit of the old “the operation was a success but the patient died” sort of story. The update went fine but I lost all my settings — membership in the device groups (but the device groups were there, just empty, and I also lost the settings within all the device groups. So I shut it down for now and I am going to try not using a clone of my existing server but building it from scratch. The amount that I played with it however did not lead me to believe it is radically changed (i.e. Improved in features) but it is possible that it is more robust under the hood.
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