[MacTUG] Mac question - random Spinning Wheel of Death (that is Unresponsive UI) on multiple machines

Mike Gore magore at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 25 15:56:49 EDT 2013

Hi Dani and James.
     Thanks for the feedback.
Memory was not an issue in the cases I looked at - I had checked this. 
They are using connect with Thunderbird.
I will look at the advanced config editor based options in Thunderbird 
to make sure the max memory usage is limited to sane values, however I 
would expect the problem to be more frequent (like lots an lots) if it 
was the problem (I will check anyway)

On 13-07-25 03:19 PM, James McConachie wrote:
> You pinpoint a time frame, but can you suggest any potential trigger?
> (Some sort of change, add/delete of software?) Did the users start using
> Connect? We have seen this before on machines under equipped with RAM. We
> have also seen this on machines whose Outlook mail stores have grown to
> unmanageable proportions. You can use activity monitor and check the the
> "System Memory" used/available, you can also try without launching
> Outlook. Have the users check their mail via OWA during the test phase.
> Dani & James
> On 2013-07-25 2:13 PM, "Mike Gore" <magore at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> Hi ,
>>      On six different Mac's (administrative staff)  running OS X 10.6.x
>> we have been seeing the Spinning Wheel of Death (that is Unresponsive
>> UI) on a frequent but random basis.  Most of the users are not doing any
>> network file sharing. Have Symantec AV (but disabling it has no effect)
>> The problem is random but similar in occurrence on each machine. The end
>> user can still do things but very slow response of say 10 to 20 seconds
>> per mouse click. The overall issue may last from just once to multiple
>> times over the span of several minutes in duration before things go back
>> to normal.  The time of day is random. It all really started about 4
>> months ago or so.
>> Have you seen anything like this?
>>  From the activity monitor we see lots of disk disk IO, CPU usage and
>> some network traffic - no obvious reason.
>> -- 
>> # Mike Gore
>> #   		Computing Support Specialist
>> #   		David R. Cheriton  School of Computer Science
>> # Address:
>> #   		DC2609
>> #   		University of Waterloo
>> #   		200 University Ave West
>> #   		Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
>> # Phone:	519-888-4567, x36205
>> # Mobile:	519-589-9303
>> # Fax:		519-746-7260
>> # Email:  	magore at uwaterloo.ca
>> # Digital Signature PGP Info http://www.openpgp.org/
>> #
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>> # It is the goal of CSCF to respond to client email by the end of next
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>> # or drop by my office.
>> # You may also contact my supervisor Lawrence Folland,
>> # lfolland at uwaterloo.ca, x32214, who may be able to assist you.
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# Mike Gore
#   		Computing Support Specialist
#   		David R. Cheriton  School of Computer Science
# Address:
#   		DC2609
#   		University of Waterloo
#   		200 University Ave West
#   		Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
# Phone:	519-888-4567, x36205
# Mobile:	519-589-9303
# Fax:		519-746-7260
# Email:  	magore at uwaterloo.ca
# Digital Signature PGP Info http://www.openpgp.org/
# CSCF Service Notice
# It is the goal of CSCF to respond to client email by the end of next
# business day. If you have not heard from me by then, please phone me
# or drop by my office.
# You may also contact my supervisor Lawrence Folland,
# lfolland at uwaterloo.ca, x32214, who may be able to assist you.

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