[MacTUG] Mac question - random Spinning Wheel of Death (that is Unresponsive UI) on multiple machines

Mike Gore magore at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jul 25 14:13:52 EDT 2013

Hi ,
     On six different Mac's (administrative staff)  running OS X 10.6.x 
we have been seeing the Spinning Wheel of Death (that is Unresponsive 
UI) on a frequent but random basis.  Most of the users are not doing any 
network file sharing. Have Symantec AV (but disabling it has no effect) 
The problem is random but similar in occurrence on each machine. The end 
user can still do things but very slow response of say 10 to 20 seconds 
per mouse click. The overall issue may last from just once to multiple 
times over the span of several minutes in duration before things go back 
to normal.  The time of day is random. It all really started about 4 
months ago or so.
Have you seen anything like this?
 From the activity monitor we see lots of disk disk IO, CPU usage and 
some network traffic - no obvious reason.

# Mike Gore
#   		Computing Support Specialist
#   		David R. Cheriton  School of Computer Science
# Address:
#   		DC2609
#   		University of Waterloo
#   		200 University Ave West
#   		Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1
# Phone:	519-888-4567, x36205
# Mobile:	519-589-9303
# Fax:		519-746-7260
# Email:  	magore at uwaterloo.ca
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# It is the goal of CSCF to respond to client email by the end of next
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# You may also contact my supervisor Lawrence Folland,
# lfolland at uwaterloo.ca, x32214, who may be able to assist you.

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