[MacTUG] Mountain Lion Server: Profile Manager and Workgroup Manager, ready to roll!

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 20 14:27:09 EST 2013

So I know that I asked who was interested in me giving updates on my learning' of Mountain Lion Server and I have promptly sent out a flurry of emails to everyone on the list ;-) That was mainly because I had some questions that I wanted feedback from everyone on, or was sharing mountain lion info that was not merely server related.

Well I will start using that micro-mailing list I have put together if I come up with some granular bits of info that will only be of interest to a few, but to everyone I thought I would mention that things have been moving fast with Mountian Lion Server and I am ready to deploy a lab next term using it to integrate with AD! Except for a few minor issues (that I can live with) I have translated all my settings from Workgroup Manager into Profile Manager. I have been playing with a few test clients over the last few days and am quite happy with the results.

As a nice bonus, I realized that Apple has released a free version of Workgroup Manager that works with Mountain Lion Server! That means that for the few macs I have that cannot migrate to Mountain Lion, I can manage all of them from my Mountain Lion Server — I thought I was going to need two servers to do this but I will not. I have been running a test environment with one client on 10.6.8 and the other on 10.8.2 using the same server and it works fine. This will likely just be a transitory situation as I hope to replace these old 'non-mountain lion' macs in a term or so.

Workgoup manager of 10.8 server is here:
Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151

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