[MacTUG] some good mac hacks, but the one I want is not working

Donald Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 20 11:59:45 EST 2013

Hi Gang

So here is a list of some pretty good hacks for OS X

They are written in the form of a script but they also show which plist controls which setting if you just want to go in an modify that (to use in the UserTemplate) or to use in Profile Manager or Workgroup Manager.

Unfortunately the one I want — to kill the menu extras that normally are in the menu (particularly time machine and airport) does not seem to work. This info is in com.apple.systemuiserver and deleting (or adding) items to the array in this plist should prohibit them from starting, but something else it also getting in the way and deleting these items from the array is not doing it.

Particularly, I want things like Time Machine and Airport not showing up on the menu. I also wanted display to appear there. According to what I have read I should be able to add menu extra items to that array and they should start but that is not working.

As something quick and dirty, I am thinking about deleting from the computer the menu extras (in CoreServices) that I have want to start but I don't like the idea of having calls made to non-existent items. I have heard that systemuiserver can get in huffy fits every now and then and start sucking memory so I don't want to give it the option.

Has anyone succeeded in pulling these menu items off of Lion or Mountain Lion machines? Any comments on pulling .menu files out of the Menu Extras folder in CoreServices?
Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151

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