[MacTUG] Issues with CORD on 10.8

Eric Bremner ebremner at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 11 12:00:31 EDT 2013

Is anyone using CORD Remote Desktop on 10.8.  Having issues with resizing the window.  Staff have 27" iMacs and when connecting to the remote server used for logging hours the window is just so small it is very hard to read and use.  Also, it seems to time out very quickly.  Have looked all over forums but can't seem to find the answer.  Anyone used this before?

Eric Bremner
Computing Consultant – University Relations
Information & Systems Technology – Client Services
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L3G1
Office: (519) 888 – 4567 ext. 35578
Cell: (226) 339 – 8716
ebremner at uwaterloo.ca

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