[MacTUG] [Isthd] MAC client accessing Fileu N: drive from home

Mike Patterson mike.patterson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Sep 26 08:41:59 EDT 2012

Caveat: I don't have much in my fileu space, and I don't think I have any subfolders.

That said...  I can see at least some of it. One directory I have (contains only files) I can see the contents well enough, and I can make and then see new subfolders in that one and elsewhere.

So I think it works for me. MacOS 10.8.2, latest version of the Cisco client, and Rogers as well, not that the ISP should matter.

Anybody else tried this out yet?


On 2012-09-24, at 1:47 PM, Dawn Keenan <dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:

> Tim,
> This sounds like a good question for MacTUG.
> On 12-09-24 11:16 AM, Tim Farrell wrote:
>> Greetings
>> This question is for the Mac users. Has anyone accessed their Fileu n:
>> drive from home? If so can you confirm that you have access not only to
>> your root folder but all your subfolders?
>> An AHS prof can access their N: drive no problem while here on campus.
>> When they go home in Guelph, connect to the Internet via Rogers and VPN
>> in they cannot see anything in their subfolders. I have confirmed that
>> their permissions are correct and subfolders have inherited the proper
>> permissions from the root folder where the user has Modify access.
>> “I can connect to vpn no problem, and 'see' the first level of my
>> folders on the network server, but the folders appear empty.  I'm
>> supposed to ask you to make sure the path is correct… I'm entering:
>> smb://fileu.uwaterloo.ca/users$//userid/”
>> Tim Farrell
>> Information Systems and Technology, MC-1036, University of Waterloo.
>> Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 (519-888-4567 X35189
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> -- 
> Dawn Keenan
> Manager, Arts Computing Office, University of Waterloo
> dkeenan at uwaterloo.ca
> 519-888-4567 x32157
> PAS 2033
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