[MacTUG] Using Slate: A Hacker's Window Manager for Macs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 22 11:14:42 EST 2012

For you keyboard junkies.

Slate is a keyboard-driven window management program for Mac OSX. It is highly configurable and has tons of features. It has permanently changed the way I use my Mac. Not only is it better than other popular programs like Divvy, SizeUp and Moom, it beats their prices at being free. Slate is the VIM/Emacs of window managers: it is less of a window manager than a workflow changing tool you will never give up.

Slate has so much functionality that I think of it more as a shortcut-based productivity tool than a window manager. Here is a sample of what it can do:


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