[MacTUG] Is Fink still the way to go?

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 28 17:20:47 EDT 2012

I was using Fink and FinkCommander until I started doing the ton of
Mac minis a few years ago.  Something requested tipped the balance 
towards macports (either outdated or not available through Fink).

Usually best to boil down your requests to a few packages and
I start fresh each term rather than updating since you'd end up
with dependencies that are no longer needed.  My install is an
overnight thing since it downloads probably 4 different gcc's
to compile various aged code.


Download and install the macports package.

sudo -s 
setenv PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH 
echo /opt/local/bin >/etc/paths.d/macports
echo /opt/local/sbin >>/etc/paths.d/macports
port selfupdate 
port install auctex djview doxygen eclipse-ecj32 gv octave rdesktop xfig
port upgrade outdated

The port install above takes about 9 hours.

auctex brings in emacs
djview brings in djvulibre and imagemagick
doxygen brings in graphviz
gv brings in ghostscript
octave brings in gnuplot

These are available but we'll do otherwise:

Other useful commands:
% port rdependents macfuse
The following ports are dependent on macfuse:

% port rdeps emacs
The following ports are dependencies of emacs @23.2_2:

% port list requested
auctex                         @11.86          editors/auctex
djview                         @4.5            aqua/djview
doxygen                        @1.7.1          textproc/doxygen
eclipse-ecj32                  @3.2.2-200702121330 java/eclipse-ecj32
gv                             @3.7.1          print/gv
octave                         @3.2.4          math/octave
rdesktop                       @1.6.0          net/rdesktop
sshfs-gui                      @1.3            fuse/sshfs-gui

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