[MacTUG] Lion screen saver fix

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 21 12:38:51 EDT 2012

> We'll set up an ARD UNIX command to fix this.
> The user has to logout for this to be applied.
> Rob Roy said:
> > Here is the Kbase on changing the screen saver to allow the login from Admins.
> >
> >  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3287

So in ARD UNIX as root, I do
(where the blank space is 3 tabs)

cp /etc/authorization /Users/Shared/authorization.$$

sed 's;^			<string>The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver.</string>$;			<string>(Use SecurityAgent.) The owner or any administrator can unlock the screensaver.</string>;' /Users/Shared/authorization.$$ >/etc/authorization

diff /Users/Shared/authorization.$$ /etc/authorization

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