[MacTUG] Media Sharing Sites

Richard Crispin rcrispin at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Mar 16 13:17:54 EDT 2012

I am researching media sharing sites. We have lots of audio files and some video files that we would like to share with the public. We can't use YouTube because they have a 10min limit on a file (most are 1 to 1.5 hrs long). I am investigating iTunesU but wondered if there were other places that people know about and are willing to share.
Richard Crispin      Phone: 519-884-8111x28307
290 Westmount Rd N   E-Mail: rcrispin at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:rcrispin at uwaterloo.ca>
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G3
When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in
    his sleep...      ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.
"Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!" Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales
"Time, heat and pressure.
   The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle." Scott Meyer
"Every morning is the dawn of a new error." unknown

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