[MacTUG] Carbon Copy Cloner

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jul 23 14:49:00 EDT 2012

I am not sure we need a full site license, however the cost of buying enough individual licenses might come close in total to make going with the site license make sense.

Just an FYI, if you click on the Volume Pricing Available option on the link Dani send around http://sites.fastspring.com/bombich/product/corporateandeducationlicensing the 10+ educational pricing is $25.07 CAD and I think there is enough demand within MacTUG for at least 10 copies.

On 2012-07-23, at 2:17 PM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:

Well I guess we got a pretty good free ride out of this package, but I do
use it less and less. (Having said that, I just used it yesterday, haha)

This big question is, is it worth the $745 for site licence? I just need a
copy here in ENV. Do we need more than 50 licenses?

Also is there any word on EDU licensing?

Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151

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