[MacTUG] [cs-cooler] Apple Mail and connect.uwaterloo.ca

Byron Weber Becker bwbecker at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 2 13:13:56 EST 2012

Issues I'm finding:

-- Initially Apple Mail would hang relatively frequently (multiple times per day)
with the activity window showing a stalled process:

When this image was taken, "Changing Flags" had been working for many

-- The above issue sometimes (always? not sure) blocked incoming mail.  I
know that on at least one occasion an email was not dealt with on a
timely basis because of this.

-- The above issue was largely (but not completely) resolved when I moved
ALL of my mail to Exchange.  Previously I filed most messages on my local
machine.  HOwever…

-- Updating all the caches takes a long time.  In particular, updating the
useless (as far as Apple Mail goes) Calendar mailbox takes a long time.  
The system as a whole seems slow and bogged down.  This is NOT with lots
of email in the system, by the way.

I have since moved to mailservices and (thus far, not yet under heavy load)
am happier.


On 2011-12-23, at 7:54 PM, Matthew Oliver wrote:

> What kind of problems?
> I always configure our users as Exchange. Currently we have a mixture of 10.6 and 10.7 users mostly using Apple Mail but a few MS Office 2011 Outlook users. I haven't had to deal with any significant problems.
> Matthew Oliver
> Manager, Architecture Computing & Media
> School of Architecture
> 519-888-4567, ext. 27651
> Cell: 519-589-1556
> Fax: 519-622-3525
> m3oliver at uwaterloo.ca
> architecture.uwaterloo.ca
> On 2011-12-23, at 2:52 PM, "Lawrence Folland" <lfolland at uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> We have had this discussion going on in CS about AppleMail and Connect (Exchange).  It seems that our users have found that, when configuring AppleMail, if they configure it as an IMAP connection it works fine, but if configured as an Exchange connection it has a lot of problems.
>> Have others experienced this?
>> Lawrence
>> -- 
>> Lawrence Folland                                 e-mail: lfolland at uwaterloo.ca
>> Technical Manager, Research Support              office: DC 2563
>> Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF)     phone: 519-888-4567 x32214
>> David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science   Cell:  226-218-1822
>> University of Waterloo
>> 200 University Avenue West
>> Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 3G1  Canada
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cs-cooler-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca [mailto:cs-cooler-bounces at lists.uwaterloo.ca] On Behalf Of Mark Giesbrecht
>> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 2:47 PM
>> To: Cooler
>> Subject: Re: [cs-cooler] Apple Mail and connect.uwaterloo.ca
>> This got me thinking to try to solve my Apple Mail/Exchange problems (which seemed minor by comparison with others I'll admit).
>> What I have found is telling the Apple Mail client to use connect.uwaterloo.ca as a normal IMAP server (and not an Exchange server) actually helps a lot.  In particular, my issues with MailTags, occasional spinning pizzas, and occasional not being able to move/remove some mail, have gone.  Admittedly, I've only been doing this for a week, but the difference is noticeable.
>> To make this happen seem to require a bit of a trick.  Create a new account with Apple mail, give your account name (i.e. userid at uwaterloo.ca), but no password.  It will complain, but then let you configure the account.  Select IMAP (not Exchange IMAP).  The rest is pretty standard (use ssl, outgoing server is connect.uwaterloo.ca, etc.).
>> Worth a try I suspect.
>> Mark
>> On 2011-12-12, at 10:29 AM, Mark Giesbrecht wrote:
>>> Hi Byron,
>>> I switched over to Exchange more than a year ago and use the Apple Mail client on Lion.  I do use mailtags, but not msgfiler.  I keep about 8GB of mail in mailboxes on the server.
>>> For the most part I've found it better than maildir (and infinitely better than mail.cs). 
>>> I have had a number of small issues
>>> - mailtags will not automatically add tags on incoming messages (very annoying).  NB I tend to use tags and not submailboxes for filing, so this may be why I'm not seeing your issues.
>>> - some messages cannot be moved out of the inbox using Apple Mail 
>>> (maybe 1%).  Mostly spam.  I use the web client to deal with these
>>> - some syncing problems with iCal (entries lose their title, but not 
>>> their location and time)
>>> I had some early performance issues that largely went away.  One thing that I convinced myself helped was to clone all my mailboxes (put them in one mailbox and clone that) using the web interface.  Go away for a couple of hours.  Then replace the original with the clone.  My suspicion/rationale is that the Exchange server does a better job of rebuilding these mailboxes than Apple Mail, but I have no other evidence of this.
>>> Not much help I guess.
>>> Mark
>>> On 2011-12-12, at 9:46 AM, Byron Weber Becker wrote:
>>>> I've been having trouble with Apple Mail ever since I switched over 
>>>> to using the Exchange email server (connect.uwaterloo.ca).  Is anyone 
>>>> else having trouble?  Is it something about my system/set-up or is it 
>>>> a larger problem?
>>>> My config:
>>>> - Mac OSX 10.7.2 (Lion)
>>>> - Apple Mail 5.1
>>>> - Using MailTags and MsgFiler add-ons.  I still see the problems without
>>>> MsgFiler and I think the problems started before I started using MailTags.
>>>> - Most of my email is stored on my local machine.  The only things on
>>>> the server are my inbox, sent mail (a couple hundred messages), and the
>>>> usual junk/trash.
>>>> What I see:
>>>> - Mail crashes more frequently than it used to (which was really close
>>>> to "never").
>>>> - The Activity Window often gets stuck with a display such as the following.
>>>> I don't receive new mail while it's in this state.  There are several other
>>>> states that get hung, but this is the most common.
>>>> <screenshot_35.jpg>
>>>> - Sometimes messages that I move to a different mailbox don't stay moved.
>>>> - I often can't manipulate attachments (read/delete/download) until I
>>>> rebuild the mailbox.  I generally need to rebuild the mailbox for
>>>> each message that has attachments.
>>>> In addition, I have iCal set up to use the Exchange calendaring 
>>>> server.  I note that sometimes iCal will block for up to a minute.  I 
>>>> know that Exchange does calendaring with hidden emails on the 
>>>> exchange server.  IST staff tell me there are about 1000 "emails" in 
>>>> my account even though only about a dozen of those appear as email in 
>>>> my inbox.  So, I have to wonder whether the mail stuff and the iCal 
>>>> stuff are related.
>>>> What I've done:
>>>> - Rebuilt the mailbox.
>>>> - Erased deleted items.
>>>> - Had IST rebuild the mailbox.
>>>> - Removed every email message from my inbox (but calendaring stuff
>>>> remained)
>>>> Suggestions?  Anyone else having trouble?
>>>> Byron
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Byron Weber Becker             Voice: 519-888-4567 x34661
>>>> School of Computer Science       Fax: 519-885-1208
>>>> University of Waterloo        Office: DC3105
>>>> Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G1
>>>> Advising FAQ:  http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/current/faq/index.shtml
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