[MacTUG] Connect/Exchange Server Maintenance: Tuesday, September 4th

Trevor Bain etbain at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 28 13:39:08 EDT 2012

On Tuesday, September 4th, beginning at 10:00PM and ending by 3:00AM (EDT), IST will be performing routine maintenance on the Connect Exchange servers. While email and calendar services will continue to be available during this time, some servers will be restarted and it may be necessary to re-authenticate (login) when accessing Connect email/calendar accounts. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the IST Help Desk at Ext: 84357 or helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:helpdesk at uwaterloo.ca>.



Trevor Bain, IST

University of Waterloo

519-888-4567 x33738

etbain at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:etbain at uwaterloo.ca>


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