[MacTUG] Flashback malware downloader - anyone encounter it?

Mike Patterson mpatterson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 9 11:40:12 EDT 2012

On 12-04-09 11:37 AM, Glenn Anderson wrote:
> Has anyone encountered a Mac that has had the Backdoor.Flashback.39
> trojan?
> I see that there is a web tool for checking out if one's Mac has
> this.

If somebody finds any evidence of Flashback on their Mac (on-campus),
I'd be *very* interested in hearing about it. I have IDS signatures
that purport to detect Flashback C&C checkins, which have yet to fire
for campus. That might be because there's nothing to see, or it might
be because they're incorrect. If the latter, I need to know.

> Note: If one's Mac OS is up to date ( i.e. Java has been updated ),
> then from what I understand one is safe from this particular
> trojan. Anyone here differently?

Even if it's true in this case, it won't be true for the next exploit.
Apple took unconscionably long to release a fix for this - Oracle
patched the Windows platform mid-February or so.


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