[MacTUG] Flashback malware downloader - anyone encounter it?

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 9 11:37:14 EDT 2012

Has anyone encountered a Mac that has had the Backdoor.Flashback.39 trojan?

I see that there is a web tool for checking out if one's Mac has this. See http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57410654-37/web-tool-checks-if-your-mac-is-flashback-free/?
should we be suggesting people use such a tool and check out their Mac?

There are command line ways of checking and dealing with this, but that might be beyond a number of users.

There is also some Applescript code to do the checking as well at http://macstuff.beachdogs.org/blog/?p=323


Note: If one's Mac OS is up to date ( i.e. Java has been updated ), then from what I understand one is safe from this particular trojan. Anyone here differently?
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