[MacTUG] Holes in Apple's Mac OS X sandbox - The H Security: News and Features

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 15 14:46:50 EST 2011

Lots of points. Are you saying then that this "hole" is being blown up by the press?

On 15/11/11 1:14 PM, Edward Chrzanowski CSCF wrote:
>> http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Holes-in-Apple-s-Mac-OS-X-sandbox-1379014.html
> Nothing new - All applications have to be vetted by Apple to be part of the store.  Does
> not mean you have to go through the store for applications.  Take a look at jail-broken
> iphones/ipads. Sandboxing applications on macosx will be a difficult process.  Apple has
> also stated in the past that GUI can overwrite CLI setting and vice versa. Wonder if sudo
> can restrict commands.

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