[MacTUG] MCX folder redirection 10.6

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 10 15:16:40 EST 2011

So I tried the almost standard example and this is what gets logged
for a network user:

Nov 10 13:06:26[483]: MCX -postCompositeMCXRedirector: action="{
    action = deleteAndCreateSymLink;
    destPath = "/Volumes/Scratch/%@/Library/Caches";
    path = "~/Library/Caches";
Nov 10 13:06:26[483]:::::::::::::::::: MCX.doPostComposite: caught exception in post composite: [localException name] ="NSInvalidArgumentException" [localException reason] = "*** -[NSPlaceholderString initWithFormat:locale:arguments:]: nil argument"

For a local user everything is fine.
Turns out the problem is the tilde for network users.

If I use in place of the tilde
it works.


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