[MacTUG] ACL vs. umask?

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 18 06:58:51 EDT 2011

I think I loaded MacFusion and it is "Version 3" dated 2010/03/31 - 
underneath it is version 2.0.3

I now see http://macfusionapp.org/ says 2.0.4 is current

It points to http://code.google.com/p/macfuse/
to Get MacFUSE
and the other part of the "fix" is to get a beta (via tick box on the 
MacFUSE panel in System Preferences, after it is installed) - mine is 2.1.7

and, then for Leopard and SL the :fix: from many websites is to
rm /Applications/Macfusion\ 
Assuming that hasn't been fixed in 2.0.4

I cannot remember exactly, but here is an excerpt from:


"snip-- on 17 Jun 2010
A direct download of the 2.1.5 Beta can be found here:


An experimental build that fixes certain issues with Snow Leopard and 
64-bit can be found here:


Remember, 2.1.7 is experimental. Use it at your own risk!"

On 2011/05/17 16:59 , Dani Roloson wrote:
>> if I follow Marlon's great advice, and sshfs mount it through
>> MacFUSE/MacFusion, I see and can change the "real" permissions"
> I keep seeing last updated 2008 for most of that.
> I forget what site had the binaries for Leopard and Tiger
> but no Snow Leopard.
>> % sshfs daroloso at cpu119.math: /tmp/mntme
>> Password:
>> /Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) requested architecture/executable not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
>> the MacFUSE file system is not available (71)
>> I've never used sshfs. It was requested for the grad students.
>> I haven't heard of any success or failures with it.
>> I installed the Macports version of it (sshfs 2.2/macfuse 2.0.3).
>> The source code for macfuse 2.8.5 is at
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse/files/fuse-2.X/
>> but you'd have to install the Xcode/Developer stuff from the DVD
>> to compile it.
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse/files/sshfs-fuse/
>> has the same version 2.2 from 2008.
>> Just discovered "SSHFS in Mac OS X Snow Leopard"
>> http://linux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~tomik/personal/?p=93
>> so that might be helpful.
>> Snow Leopard has been out for a year and a half so
>> sshfs doesn't seem to be actively supported.
> Dani
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