[MacTUG] Lion as a download only distrobution...

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Thu Jun 9 10:13:56 EDT 2011

Hi Don,

Great question. Not sure yet what the plan is yet for Education or Enterprise distribution at this point.  Don't think it will be going online with you credit card and buy one for each lab machine.  Besides it doesn't even work that way for consumers as it's buy one put it on all you personal machines as it's tied to your StoreID. :-)

As soon as I hear something on what the method will be will send a note to list.


On 2011-06-09, at 8:09 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:

> I am not sure if Steve can answer this one (he may not know yet, or be able to tell us, haha), but maybe others have heard rumors about it.
> It is great that Lion will be available as a download, and the price is awesome. Apple has to be totally commended for that. I was thinking that Snow Leopard was a one-time price deal, I really was not expecting that for Lion.
> At any rate, has anyone heard what is happening for Lion for education? I am not looking here for a price break-- sure I will take one, grin, but I am not really prepared to go online with my credit card on each lab machine. Some profs will grouse if they have to kick in $30 of their own hard earned money ($100,000 only goes so far these days, haha) to upgrade their machines.
> I am sure there must be some plans for distribution for education and corporate clients. Anyone know what it is?
> don
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
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