[MacTUG] UW Emerge on the Macs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 31 15:14:03 EST 2011

I spoke to Erick. He said that emergestart just starts the connection process to the emergency service. He did not know of a way to have it start for everyone who logs in, on a mac. If you know of a way, then just use that.

I would suggests Apple's cron replacement, whose name escapes me at the moment.

By the way, Ian is correct wrt the"go to the web page" stuff.


On 31/01/11 2:48 PM, Ian Turner wrote:
> I didn't put it in the labs, but for our manually managed staff
> machines, I installed it, and gave them the instructions to add it to
> their login
> I did do the "go to the web page" stuff, but it was ONLY to get the test
> for "verify a test message gets here" on a couple of machines
> On 2011/01/31 14:14 , Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:
>> So some clarification of how uw emerge works on the Mac (especially if it
>> was to be in a lab)...
>> If one installs it on a Mac, does one merely have to set it to start up on
>> login?
>> The instructions at http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/download/uw_emerge/mac.html
>> are a wee bit confusing.
>> Under "Verifying Emerge Works" it talks about going to emerge.uwaterloo.ca
>> and loging in. Can anyone confirm that this logging in part is just for
>> the verification, ie, if I was to install this in my labs, I would not
>> need to go through this step? Is all I need to do to install it on the lab
>> Macs, and ensure (via either a loginhook or the login items method) that
>> it is running on login??
>> Thanks...
>> don
>> On 11-01-31 11:20 AM, "Dani Roloson"<daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Anyone tried making this a login hook rather than having every user
>>> to ever use the machine add it to their login items?
>>> Dani
>>> MFCF

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