[MacTUG] Machine base images

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 18 10:11:18 EST 2011

I'm sure Steve will say that depends:

- we have  iMacs and an older Mac Mini; an image built on the iMac runs 
fine on that mini

- but if you try to run an image built on older hardware on a newer 
machine of a different type - not so good

- and as Steve has pointed out - use a combo release built later than 
your oldest hardware

On 2011/01/18 09:57 , Dani Roloson wrote:
> Should I be keeping separate images for Mac minis vs. iMacs?
> For instance, does the iMac have extra stuff for the iSight?
> What about different sizes of iMacs? Less likely I'm guessing.
> Dani
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