[MacTUG] Lion and screen sharing

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 2 11:01:53 EDT 2011


I have connected to my Lion iMac via vac with problem ( ok trying to view an  27" iMac screen on a 11" MacBook Air screen is a bit of a problem )

I believe lion suggest the address as the form of ##-##-##-##.uwaterloo.ca, where ##-##-##-## as the ip

On 2011-08-02, at 10:34 AM, Donald Duff-McCracken wrote:

Hi there
I screen share a few machines and I had noticed that I could not connect to my lion macs using 'connect to server' > vnc://servername.stuff.stuff

It kept on saying that connection failed. I read a few places on line that turning off "Remote Management" (Sys Prefs>Sharing) or turning off the user under this setting and then re-enabling things can resolve it.

I did this and it works. I did not do this in a reproducible-enough manner, as I cannot remember the order I did things in but I turned off remote management and then turned it back on again, I deleted the user (me) and then re-added me again, and stuff like that and things are now fine!

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